Equity & accessibility

The University of Toronto has a strong commitment to making campus equitable and accessible for all students, staff, and faculty. Here are some of the services it offers.

Students for Barrier Free Access

215 Huron Street, Suite 924

Students for Barrier Free Access (SBA) is a student-run, not-for-profit group that advocates for the rights of students with disabilities. Its initiatives include social events such as movie nights, information sessions, pub nights, and wheelchair basketball. Other services offered by SBA include peer mentoring, accessible study rooms, and a variety of courses, including sign language and first aid.

Sexual and Gender Diversity Office

Sussex Clubhouse, rooms 416 and 417

The Sexual and Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) provides services and support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2-spirited, and Ally (LGBTTIQQ2SA, hereafter, LGBT) students, staff, and faculty. In addition to individual counselling, the SGDO offers educational materials, workshops, and events.

Family Care Office

Koffler Student Services Centre

With an emphasis on inclusivity, the Family Care Office provides support to students, staff, and faculty who are balancing family commitments with education and work. The office offers a variety of resources including on-campus child care, and seminars on eldercare and parenting.

Positive Space Campaign

The Positive Space campaign identifies inclusive spaces for LGBT members of the U of T community. Positive Spaces can be identified around campus by stickers and posters with the campaign logo on them. Each campus has a Positive Space committee that identifies welcoming environments and holds events.

The Hart House Accessibility Fund

Intended to make Hart House events accessible for all who wish to attend, the fund is used to provide for the accessibility needs of students. If you’re looking to attend an event at Hart House and have accessibility needs, contact the fund two weeks in advance, and they will do their best to make the event accessible for you.

Student Equity Initiatives Team (SEIT)

Sponsored by the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, the SEIT creates an inclusive, accessible environment for students involved in physical activity at the university. Students can propose initiatives to the SEIT and be granted funding by the faculty to realize their proposals.


Drop-In Centre: 73 St. George Street, Sir Daniel Wilson Residence archway

LGBTOUT offers resources and events for LGBT students at U of T. Some of its notable events include the all-ages party Homohop, pub nights, and orientation and information sessions. The LGBTOUT Drop-In Centre is a Positive Space run by volunteers who can provide information about the many available services and resources.

Multi-Faith Spaces

U of T offers various spaces around campus to accommodate the diverse spiritual and faith-based needs and practices of students, faculty, and staff. These spaces offer rooms for quiet prayer and worship, as well as community events and interfaith dialogue. Some locations include the Multi-Faith Centre (569 Spadina Avenue), Sussex Clubhouse, Victoria College, Hart House, and OISE. Visit the centre’s website for a full listing of multi-faith spaces on campus.

Green Dot

Green Dot is an initiative of U of T Health and Wellness. A green dot represents an action taken against violence, whether it be protecting a friend in a dangerous situation or not accepting a drink handed to you by a stranger at a party. Training dates for the six-hour course are available on all campuses, and Green Dot certification can be listed on your résumé.

First Nations House

Borden Building North, third floor, 563 Spadina Ave.

First Nations House offers services and events for Aboriginal students on campus including academic and financial support, workshops, and access to elders and traditional teachers. The house, which is decorated with indigenous artwork and home to a library of Aboriginal texts, provides social space and support for Aboriginal students.

Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office

The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office’s mandate is to offer services to students, staff, and faculty across all campuses. It implements programming and policy to promote an inclusive and equitable environment, and to facilitate dialogue and conflict resolution in areas of racism, prejudice, and cultural diversity.





